Before I go
to the warmth of the sauna ... a life with min-pins is fantastic in every way ... if activities = they play along and are active as ---- .... if as now not a weather for anyone to be outside in = relax under a blanket, go just outside the house for a pee and then under the blanket again ... how lovely they are!
Postat av: Carol
2010-02-21 / 15:25:06
I agree, they are very sweet.
Postat av: Heyli
2010-02-21 / 15:29:49
men du, man är inte äldre än man känner sig! ;) tack för att du svarade :)
Postat av: Heyli
2010-02-21 / 16:08:21
nä men va knäppt att skotta bara gångvägarna!! hoppas nån fixar fram en plogbil och skottar ut er!